Neighbourhood News

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tips for Building a Garden Fence

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A garden fence is probably the most important element of garden design. The more the fence looks attractive and welcoming the more you and your guests will feel comfortable. In some ways, a garden will appear incomplete without a fence. A garden fence not only adds to the overall beauty of the garden but also gives the entire landscape a more complete look. A fence can be erected around the front yard, backyard or around the entirety of the property. Adequate fencing adds to the security of your house and property as well.

DesignFencing design is as much about location and configuration as it is height and detailing.  There are many options for your garden fence design, including designs that are minimalist, vintage, Victorian, country, etc.

Fencing can be a strong design element or it can be made to disappear into the background of the landscape. For those who prefer the touch of classic, the Victorian-style using iron fence elements is a good idea. An iron fence is the preferred option if you have a large yard outside the boundaries of your property to deepen the glamorous sense. This kind of fence design should be complemented with details like lacy or floral as the representation of the Victorian style. Don’t forget to put any ornamental plants or bushes near the fence to add to its beauty. For a country design, you may try to design or make the fence from rattan, bamboo, or simply wood. Painting the fence with your favorite colours such as white, cream or rustic brown is good for a country-style design.

When selecting fencing design, you should also take into consideration the average cost of popular fence types which include wood, vinyl, wrought iron and chain link.

There are many options in fencing materials. Much of this is due to the rising cost of lumber and the drive to create non-wood alternatives that are longer lasting. In fact, this innovative area has yielded some truly remarkable options, particularly where the climate is severe. Vinyl has finally come of age, offering a far greater range of colour and style than ever before. Wrought iron, now tubular and much lighter weight, is far more affordable and easily adapted to a wide range of sites.

Innovation and security
Today there is more emphasis on security and technology. Video cameras and entry gates with buzzers and intercoms are making homes more secure and offering greater backyard security. Also, recent innovations have yielded new and unusual designs that prove equally effective as very tall barriers. For historic or cottage style living, the picket fence has become totally maintenance-free. The integration of steel posts has also solved problems with rotting earth to wood anchorage.

No matter what your architectural style, your site requirements and the regional limitations, there are fencing solutions available. It is important to understand the newer options and evaluating whether or not they are an improvement to the traditional wood fence. It is all governed by characteristics of your home site, your budget, the local climate and availability of quality contractors. When all these factors are met, your fence choice will last its full life expectancy and ultimately maximize every dollar you spend.

Property lines and regulations
The property lines of rural properties and even some suburban lots can be murky. It is important to know exactly where the property line runs during the design process and particularly before you finish with the cost estimates. In many cases, it is worth the additional expense of a legal survey before the construction of a fence. It may be just setting the corners of the property, or you may need a full property line survey if the parcel is irregular. Insist on a licensed land surveyor for this job to avoid future boundary disputes. To save money, neighbours may work together to share the cost of the surveyor for mutual property lines, which also ensures both are satisfied with the proposed fence.

It is also important that the fence adheres to the local regulations for residential fence heights. Some cities require you to acquire a building permit if you decide to build a fence taller than six feet. It is always a good idea to research your local laws and regulations before breaking ground on a new fence.

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