Neighbourhood News

Monday, September 26, 2011

Do you have a forced-air gas furnace? Here are some tips to keep it operating efficiently this Winter...

As the coldest months of the year fall upon us, a furnace may operate for up to 15 hours a day. In order to ensure its safe and efficient operation, proper care and maintenance is your best defense against unsafe conditions or non-performance.

Follow the guidelines below to keep your furnace operating safely and efficiently.

• To reduce fuel consumption by 20 per cent, install a programmable thermostat to allow the furnace to operate at lower temperatures when the home is not occupied or while you are sleeping.

• Clean or replace furnace filters every two months or as required.

• Keep combustible materials or obstructions away from the furnace area.

• Keep cold air returns and heat distribution vents free and clear of obstructions to allow proper flow of air.

• Ensure that an adequate supply of combustion air is available for the appliance to function properly. Combustion air is the air that mixes with fuel to allow combustion to occur.

• Have a professional clean your ducting properly every three to five years.

• Contact a licensed/qualified heating contractor each year to perform routine service and maintenance as per manufacturer’s specifications.

In addition, consider replacing your forced-air gas furnace with a high efficiency model. Did you know that for every $1 that is spent on gas for a conventional forced-air gas furnace, approximately 30 cents goes up the chimney, while every dollar that is spent on gas for a high efficiency furnace results in the loss of 10 cents or less?

Upgrading to a high efficiency furnace can provide a substantial cost savings for a homeowner. A heating contractor will give you the proper advice on whether it is time to upgrade your furnace.

Want tips on what you can do to minimize the impact of an older furnace on home price when selling your property?  Contact me and I can take a look and I'll give you all the information you need so you get the best price possible for your property.