There are a few effective and affordable child-proof items new parents can purchase to keep their child protected as he or she grows and begins exploring different areas of the home.
Several different types of locks exist for cabinets and drawers. Children are naturally curious, and failing to place locks on cabinets within a toddler’s reach can give them access to potentially deadly materials, ranging from hazardous cleaning supplies to heavy objects. It’s easy to overlook the small things, but even a child who is able to get into a parent’s home office can find tiny items like tacks or paper clips that can pose choking hazards. The same is true for drawers, which may hold sharp objects or other tiny tools that could harm a child. Many baby stores or home improvement chains sell a variety of child locks, ranging from simple plastic drawer cuffs to magnetic locks that are placed on the inside of a cabinet and can only be opened with a magnetic key.
Secure furniture
Kids LOVE to climb! Furniture or accent pieces, such as bookcases, dressers and bedroom bureaus, are attractive to children who like to climb. But the risk of an unsecured bookcase or dresser toppling over and pinning a small child is high, so parents can increase their toddler’s safety by anchoring these items to the wall. Other heavy items that have the potential to fall over should be moved to a location where they will not be disturbed.
Cover cords, outlets
Covering electrical outlets can lower a child’s risk of electrical shocks that can result from pulling out appliance cords or sticking their fingers in the sockets. Inserting plastic sliding covers over sockets can shield children from harm and hiding cords underneath carpets or behind other objects may prevent toddlers from pulling them out of sockets or chewing on them.
It is also important to know how to react if your child does suffer an electric shock. Baby Center gives great expert advice on how to handle this scary situation.
Get on their level
Once you safety proof your home…think like a kid! Get down on your hands and knees and see how things look from their point of view. What looks like a tempting place to explore? Are there objects that are eye level that pose a threat to their safety? Are there objects on the floor that they could pick up and put in their mouth?